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作家相片悠樂煮廚 DeliHolic


六月將至,父親節很快就到,是日Bosch Home 示範課堂,介紹一款可以親子一起玩的小點心給大家。把爸爸的模樣畫出來送給他,這樣的禮物會有點意思吧?還可以製作成一家人模樣的組合,可可愛愛啦


雞蛋 2隻

牛奶 22克

粟米油 18克

低筋麵粉 33克

砂糖 32克

粟粉 8克

1. 牛奶與粟米油混合,加入低筋麵粉拌勻

2. 蛋黃和蛋白分離,將蛋黃加入步驟1的麵糊中

3. 砂糖與粟粉混合後,加入到蛋白中打至硬性發泡

4. 蛋黃麵糊和蛋白霜混合均勻

5. 裝入裱花袋中,在烤盤上擠出約5公分直徑的圓形

6. 170攝氏度焗約20-25分鐘

7. 於兩塊蛋糕片中加入奶油霜、花生醬、榛子醬等喜歡的醬黏合

8. 用融化的朱古力在蛋糕表面畫出圖案即可

Chocolate Doll Stuffed Cake

Recipe: (Makes 6 stuffed cakes)

2 eggs

22g milk

18g corn oil

33g cake flour

32g sugar

8g cornstarch

1.Mix the milk and corn oil together, then add the cake flour and mix well.

2.Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Add the egg yolks to the batter from step 1.

3.Mix the sugar and cornstarch together, and add to the egg whites. Beat until stiff peaks form.

4.Mix the egg yolk batter and the egg white batter together.

5.Pipe the batter into 5cm diameter circles onto a baking sheet.

6.Bake at 170°C for about 20-25 minutes.

7.Spread cream frosting between two cake slices to make a stuffed cake.

8.Draw a design on the cake surface with melted chocolate.

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